Pitch session of the "Innovation Village Award 2022" finalist projects
When:03 November 2022
Attend the Pitch Session and organize meetings with companies of your interest.
Innovation Village Award is an annual award that enhances the experiences of sustainable innovation which can make a contribution towards achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
Thematic area 1: Digital manufacturing | Design | Building | Digital craftsmanship
Thematic area 2: New materials | Advanced materials
Thematic area 3: Smart Technologies | IT | IoT | Robotics | Fintech
Thematic area 4: Cultural heritage, Environmental and Public goods | Innovation and social research | Accessibility | Education and Training | Digital Education | Social housing | Community sound broadcasting | Social and cultural tourism
Thematic area 5: Biomedical | Health | Amateur sport
Thematic area 6: Environment | Energy | Sustainable mobility | Blue Growth | Smart City
Thematic area 7: Sustainable and social agriculture | Agrifood